Some of the workshops GEMS offers include:
Note: all of the workshops listed below are accompanied by participant manuals to aid in their learning and interaction, along with powerpoint presentations.
- Management Tools for Leader of Teams. (A four day program)
- Strategic Planning
- Tactical Planning and Team Building
- Team Communications
- Interpersonal Communications
- Creative Problem Solving
- Decision Making
- Leadership Effectiveness
- Building Highly Effective Work Teams
- Inter Team Problem Solving & Performance Improvement
- Customer Service Skills-Getting to WOW!
- Quality Management Practices
- Train The Trainer Programs
- Team-Based Management
- Conflict Resolution
- Change Management
- Career and Work Temperament Assessment
- Mentoring
- Employee Development
- Diversity & Inclusion
- Succession Planning
- Facilitation Skills Training
Workshop Training Aids:
The Apple Cafe Case: Workshop Manual and Training Materials
A case simulation used to demonstrate organizational transformation interventions that get results. This aid is used to train others in work force diversity and employee inclusion and has been adopted by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management as a one-day component in its management development seminars for Federal managers at the Western Management Development Center, Denver.
Management Tools for Leaders of Teams
A tool kit for those who manage (or seek to become managers) in high performance organizations; this aid includes training materials, exercises and training tools.
Total Quality Management: An Introduction to Key TQM Philosophies, Approaches, Tools and Techniques
A manual and training materials used to introduce and train leaders of organizations on the tools and techniques that foster continuous quality improvement and teamwork.
Total Quality Service: A Guide to Personal Excellence Through Customer Care. Workshop manual and training materials
Used to train customer service oriented leaders of organizations on customer-focused behavior and includes instructional material for the 5-day training program.
A Surprise for Maria
A case study used to train leadership principles and practices associated with Transactional, Transformational, Authentic and Relational Transparency leadership theory and skills. An accompanying interpretive summary also is included: "Reflections about Maria."
Workshop Training Aids:
The Apple Cafe Case: Workshop Manual and Training Materials
A case simulation used to demonstrate organizational transformation interventions that get results. This aid is used to train others in work force diversity and employee inclusion and has been adopted by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management as a one-day component in its management development seminars for Federal managers at the Western Management Development Center, Denver.
Management Tools for Leaders of Teams
A tool kit for those who manage (or seek to become managers) in high performance organizations; this aid includes training materials, exercises and training tools.
Total Quality Management: An Introduction to Key TQM Philosophies, Approaches, Tools and Techniques
A manual and training materials used to introduce and train leaders of organizations on the tools and techniques that foster continuous quality improvement and teamwork.
Total Quality Service: A Guide to Personal Excellence Through Customer Care. Workshop manual and training materials
Used to train customer service oriented leaders of organizations on customer-focused behavior and includes instructional material for the 5-day training program.
A Surprise for Maria
A case study used to train leadership principles and practices associated with Transactional, Transformational, Authentic and Relational Transparency leadership theory and skills. An accompanying interpretive summary also is included: "Reflections about Maria."